Posts Tagged ‘asdnh’

These are varieties of copper alloy netting for fish farm enclosures. To see more about the copper netting research, go to the Netting for Fish Farms page.

Ethan just assembled this circuit of 100K ohm resistors to control the current for the electromagnetic metal forming equipment.

This is the circuit that Ethan built.

Below is a machine to apply tensile force on a sample. (not the same samples used in the electromagnetic deforming process) The sample is a flat piece of metal that is painted with speckles. It is pulled by the hydraulic force of the machine. The data is collected by the sensors in the machine and the software can create spreadsheets and graphs of the results. If the sample is photographed or videoed, the change in shape/size/spacing of the speckles can be analyzed to give even more data about the resultant effects on the sample. This was a previously stretched sample and it broke quickly when we tried to stretch it again, while we learned to use the machine.

The student is Hayden. He will be a UNH freshman next year and is working in the lab this summer.